March 8, 2012

Stink Stank Stunk

So much has happened since my last post. Sometimes the hits keep on coming. We are rolling with the punches. We are so thankful for every day that Lily is growing and active inside my womb. Last Friday, we went in for a routine BPP at the doctor's office and were told that, due to low amniotic fluid levels, we would immediately be admitted into the hospital for fluids. I think my exact response in the moment leaving the ultrasound room was "Stink!" Definitely not the results I was anticipating. I had planned to go to a baby shower at my home church with family and friends in Memphis, Tennessee last weekend. Instead, we stayed in the hospital for 24 hours, amidst tornado warnings and cable television shows. We were thankful to fond out on Saturday that my fluid levels had improved enough for me to go home.

Any traveling has been put on hold as we await Lily's arrival. We video chatted into the shower on Sunday via the help of the internet and my husband's technological savvy. Thanks to all the friends and family back home who made the celebration so special! It was nice too see everyone from a distance and experience the love of people who have known you so many years.

Tuesday we visited the pediatric cardiologist for a look at Lily's heart.  We were disappointed to find out that the diagnosis had not changed and no visible progress had been made. For now, all we can do is wait for Lily to come, hopefully not until April 26th, and pray for many miracles. I am growing increasingly tired and trying to get plenty of rest. I'm also drinking an average of 172 ounces of water/ juice per day in an effort to keep the fluid levels high for Lily.

Please pray for Blake and I to be strengthened during this time of weariness. We need bigger faith and brighter eyes which look forward to Christ, who is our Hope. We need your prayers as we seek wisdom in all the decisions we are faced with regarding health insurance and finances. Thank you for all your prayer support. Please continue to pray for Lily and her heart. Please pray that she will stay put for the next 7 weeks. Friday we go back to the O.B. for another BPP. Pray that my levels will be high enough to keep Lily happy and healthy. We will update you soon. God bless each of you!


  1. You all come to mind often! I really wish we could spend more time together. This post brought back so many memories of the waiting, disappointment (after follow-up appointments), and financial/insurance decisions Davin and I experienced with our little Leah Katherine. You all are in my prayers, and I know God will supply the strength and wisdom you need. Much Love, Lauren

  2. I have been quietly following your pregnancy through blog posts and updates on facebook but with Lily's arrival soon approaching I wanted to voice to you all that you are being prayed for. I will update our Wednesday night prayer group as well. We pray for strength, hope, wisdom, and...miracles because we all know that our God is capable of anything. Love you guys!

  3. Thank you both for your kind prayers for our little family! We are so encouraged by the love that God continues to pour out through His church in our lives. God bless you all!
