Glass bowls, measuring cups and spoons were strewn over the counters and soon a sprinkling of flour graced every item atop my work space. Something magical was happening; of this I was certain. I quickly started the glazed yeast doughnut recipe and before I knew it had the dough ready to go. Next step, wait.... at least eight hours.
Bummed but determined to see this recipe through to the end, I placed the bowl of dough in the refrigerator and returned to my next recipe, baked chocolate doughnuts with no rising time. Awesome! I could have my doughnuts and eat them too. By this point, my daughter was standing at the gate letting me know she missed me. So I lifted her into my arms and onto my hip and we began the mix. Flour, sugar, cocoa... five or six ingredients later, we had our batter. I set my baby girl in her exersaucer beside me and continued working. All I had to do next was pour the dough into the doughnut pan and bake then for a few minutes. Except, I don't own a doughnut pan.
Desperate at this point for some doughnut love, I improvised. A muffin pan would give me the circular form I needed. What could I use for the middle hole to form? I remembered I had a whole new bag of clothespins in the pantry. Yes, I know. Did I mention I was desperate? I poured the silky batter into the muffin pan and gently stood a clean clothespin in the middle of each cup. With no idea as to how this experiment would end, I cautiously placed the pan in the oven. Would the clothespins make the doughnuts taste weird? What if I am about to set the kitchen on fire? What is toxic fumes start leaking into the living room and we become mutants? Okay, a little extreme. I've watched way too many comic book movies with my hunky husband.
While the chocolate-y doughnuts cooked, I fed my daughter a bottle on the couch. She fell asleep just moments before the timer buzzed. I gently laid her in her crib, tiptoed out of her room and ran back to the kitchen. The plan had worked, though not perfectly. My doughnuts were more like muffins (go figure) with odd holes where clothespins had fallen to the side or leaned on one another.
They smelled good, looked good, but how did they taste? Only one way to know, so I took a bite. And another. At this point, I didn't have the energy to make the glaze but I grabbed a little butter and you can imagine what it was like. The food angels were singing. The taste of food heaven was melting in my mouth.
I can't wait to finish the yeast doughnuts recipe tomorrow and share the results with you. Then we can all go running and eat salads for a week. But this weekend, there will be doughnuts people!
Desperate at this point for some doughnut love, I improvised. A muffin pan would give me the circular form I needed. What could I use for the middle hole to form? I remembered I had a whole new bag of clothespins in the pantry. Yes, I know. Did I mention I was desperate? I poured the silky batter into the muffin pan and gently stood a clean clothespin in the middle of each cup. With no idea as to how this experiment would end, I cautiously placed the pan in the oven. Would the clothespins make the doughnuts taste weird? What if I am about to set the kitchen on fire? What is toxic fumes start leaking into the living room and we become mutants? Okay, a little extreme. I've watched way too many comic book movies with my hunky husband.
While the chocolate-y doughnuts cooked, I fed my daughter a bottle on the couch. She fell asleep just moments before the timer buzzed. I gently laid her in her crib, tiptoed out of her room and ran back to the kitchen. The plan had worked, though not perfectly. My doughnuts were more like muffins (go figure) with odd holes where clothespins had fallen to the side or leaned on one another.
I can't wait to finish the yeast doughnuts recipe tomorrow and share the results with you. Then we can all go running and eat salads for a week. But this weekend, there will be doughnuts people!
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